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"features" => "Features",
"services" => "Services",
"industries" => "Industries",
"about" => "About Us",
"resources" => "Resources",
"contact-centers" => "Contact Centers",
"custom-development" => "Custom Development",
"hosted-solutions" => "Hosted Solutions",
"multiple-locations" => "Multiple Locations",
"office-relocation" => "Office Relocation",
"telecommuting-and-mobile-workforce" => "Telecommuting & Mobile Workforce",
"unified-messaging" => "Unified Messaging",
"ip-pbx" => "IP-PBX",
"fax-servers" => "Fax Servers",
"headsets" => "Headsets",
"ivr-systems" => "IVR Systems",
"telephones-voip-specialty-phones" => "Telephones & Specialty Phones",
"telephony-interface-boards" => "Telephony Interface Boards",
"telephony-servers" => "Telephony Servers",
"products/web-collaboration" => "Web Collaboration",
"administration" => "Administration",
"auto-attendant" => "Auto Attendant",
"call-centers" => "Call Centers",
"call-recording" => "Call Recording",
"conference-call-management" => "Conference Call Management",
"desktop-client" => "Desktop Client",
"management-tools" => "Management Tools",
"speech-recognition" => "Speech Recognition",
"telephones-headsets" => "Telephones & Headsets",
"voice-mail" => "Voice Mail",
"voip-voice-over-ip" => "VOIP - Voice over IP",
"consultation" => "Consultation",
"installation-and-planning" => "Installation and Planning",
"training" => "Training",
"support" => "Support",
"floral" => "Floral",
"legal" => "Legal",
"real-estate" => "Real Estate",
"financial" => "Financial",
"healthcare-and-wellness" => "Healthcare & Wellness",
"marketing" => "Marketing",
"staffing-and-hr" => "Staffing & HR",
"insurance" => "Insurance",
"automtive" => "Automotive",
"case-studies" => "Case Studies",
"product-briefs" => "Product Briefs",
"newsletter" => "Newsletter",
"glossary" => "Glossary",
"faqs" => "FAQs",
"founders" => "Founders",
"press-room" => "Press Room",
"partners" => "Partners",
"testimonials" => "Testimonials",
"press-releases" => "Press Releases",
"login" => "Customer Login",
"newsletters" => "Newsletters",
"downloads" => "Downloads",
"specials-and-promotions" => "Specials and Promotions",
"contact" => "Contact Us",
"sitemap" => "Site Map"
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Phone Systems for Insurance Companies
Competition in the insurance industry continues to soar, whether you are low price, high volume contender or offer more comprehensive services with a comparable price tag. In either case, most of your communication to prospects and customers is by phone and reaching customers or being reached by them is critical to increasing sales and providing quality service.
Routing calls quickly and accurately can prevent your prospects from dialing their 2nd or 3rd options and mitigate frustration of customers who are in a crisis situation. Alternate Access' IP-PBX offering allows you to customize call handling in a number of ways, so that you can do what makes most sense for your business. Last Agent Routing has grown in popularity, as it enables callers to get back to the last agent they spoke with to provide follow up information and continue a conversation previously begun. This seamless approach to customer service wins rave reviews from customers and improves productivity of staff members.
A host of other capabilities further enhance customer service and boost staff productivity from call recording, to follow-me call routing and integration with contact management software.
Furthermore, fax servers take the paper and the pain out of collecting customer information. Insurance companies depend on accurate and timely collection of information, often on pre-defined forms. Keeping these forms organized and the sensitive information they carry secure, can be a challenge when traditional fax servers are used. Implementing a fax server can ensure that important customer data remains secure and is delivered directly to the intended party. No more standing by the fax machine to wait for a faxed application or claim. Fax servers also allow for information to be routed quickly to other recipients that might require the information.
Alternate Access brings together all the relevant technologies to streamline your business operations and increase your bottom line.