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"features" => "Features",
"services" => "Services",
"industries" => "Industries",
"about" => "About Us",
"resources" => "Resources",
"contact-centers" => "Contact Centers",
"custom-development" => "Custom Development",
"hosted-solutions" => "Hosted Solutions",
"multiple-locations" => "Multiple Locations",
"office-relocation" => "Office Relocation",
"telecommuting-and-mobile-workforce" => "Telecommuting & Mobile Workforce",
"unified-messaging" => "Unified Messaging",
"ip-pbx" => "IP-PBX",
"fax-servers" => "Fax Servers",
"headsets" => "Headsets",
"ivr-systems" => "IVR Systems",
"telephones-voip-specialty-phones" => "Telephones & Specialty Phones",
"telephony-interface-boards" => "Telephony Interface Boards",
"telephony-servers" => "Telephony Servers",
"products/web-collaboration" => "Web Collaboration",
"administration" => "Administration",
"auto-attendant" => "Auto Attendant",
"call-centers" => "Call Centers",
"call-recording" => "Call Recording",
"conference-call-management" => "Conference Call Management",
"desktop-client" => "Desktop Client",
"management-tools" => "Management Tools",
"speech-recognition" => "Speech Recognition",
"telephones-headsets" => "Telephones & Headsets",
"voice-mail" => "Voice Mail",
"voip-voice-over-ip" => "VOIP - Voice over IP",
"consultation" => "Consultation",
"installation-and-planning" => "Installation and Planning",
"training" => "Training",
"support" => "Support",
"floral" => "Floral",
"legal" => "Legal",
"real-estate" => "Real Estate",
"financial" => "Financial",
"healthcare-and-wellness" => "Healthcare & Wellness",
"marketing" => "Marketing",
"staffing-and-hr" => "Staffing & HR",
"insurance" => "Insurance",
"automtive" => "Automotive",
"case-studies" => "Case Studies",
"product-briefs" => "Product Briefs",
"newsletter" => "Newsletter",
"glossary" => "Glossary",
"faqs" => "FAQs",
"founders" => "Founders",
"press-room" => "Press Room",
"partners" => "Partners",
"testimonials" => "Testimonials",
"press-releases" => "Press Releases",
"login" => "Customer Login",
"newsletters" => "Newsletters",
"downloads" => "Downloads",
"specials-and-promotions" => "Specials and Promotions",
"contact" => "Contact Us",
"sitemap" => "Site Map"
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Phone Systems for Marketing
In the fast-paced world of deadlines, creative energy and fierce competition, today's marketing, advertising and public relations professionals depend on their connections — to clients, editors, vendors — and timing and reliability are critical. Your clients need to know that their instructions or last-minute changes will get to you, and that you'll reach the necessary parties to get their job done. Above all, you need the security of knowing that business won't be lost because prospects are unable to reach you or your phone system can't provide differentiated customer care to your most valuable clients.
Alternate Access provides a set of communication tools to ensure your company is accessible to both important clients and new business opportunities. Our IP-PBX phone system opens the lines of communication to your account managers and sales teams so they can be reached when they are a available, regardless of their location. Fax servers get information to the right person immediately and unified messaging allows customer documents and communication to be received and archived in logical groupings whether they arrive in voice, fax or e-mail format.
Take customer service to a higher level! Review ad layouts, presentations, press releases and contracts with web conferencing tools to provide frequent and immediate contact with your clients, without the burden of costly or time consuming travel.