Ever feel like you spend a huge chunk of your work day sifting through your e-mails? Responding to voice mail messages? Confirming that you received someone’s message? And on…and on…
It turns out there may be a reason you feel that way. A recent study conducted by Webtorials on behalf of Fonality, entitled the “2011 Report on UC and Cloud-based Services for SMBs,” indicated that knowledge workers at small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) spend 50 percent of each work day on necessary, yet unproductive, tasks.
The report found that these employees spend about 36 percent of their time on a collaboration of three tasks: contacting customers, partners or colleagues; finding information; and scheduling meetings. Another 14 percent of their time was used on managing unwanted communications, like spam e-mails or unsolicited phone calls, and duplicating information – such as forwarding e-mails to other team member to ensure that all parties were in the know, or making follow-up calls to confirm the receipt of information. When duplicating information for any reason, redundancy can occur resulting in an even larger waste of work time.
According to the study, unified communications can help increase productivity, citing that “efficiencies created by Unified Communications on a typical firm with 50 Knowledge Workers with salaries ranging from $40,000 to $110,000 can recover two-hours a day in productivity.” It went on to associate an estimated value of $950,000 annually based on the time saved by employees.
So what does this study mean for you?
It means that there is hope for overcoming that feeling of lost time due to tedious tasks. If you are having those feelings, your phone system may be able to help.
Depending on your communications system, there are many tools at your fingertips (literally) to help improve your daily productivity, including:
These examples are just a few of the ways unified communications can help you and your employees increase productivity – and they could be at your fingertips right now. If you aren’t sure how to initiate or use some of these features, let Alternate Access know.
We want all of our customers to get the most out of their phone systems. If you feel like you or your staff is bogged down by day-to-day communications and an efficiency overhaul is in order, give our team of experts a call at (919) 831-1860.* We will help you understand how to use your phone system to its fullest – and most efficient – potential.
*Consulting fees may apply. Call for a quote.