Cell phones have become a virtual appendage to the human body.
Whether a business professional, a high school or college student, a grandmother or anyone else, you are likely to have a cell phone in your pocket, on your belt or in your pocketbook. In 2007, it was estimated that 255 million cell phones were in use in the U.S. alone and that number was growing at a rate of 15%. While the rate of first time purchases has slowed somewhat since 2008 (everybody already has one), the rate that consumers upgrade to the next version has increased rapidly – from once every 2 years to an astounding average of once every 0.7 years. That means on average, people are upgrading their phones nearly twice a year!
The explosion of applications incorporated in cell, or smartphones, has made them a necessity and a luxury, a workhorse and a plaything, and an excellent means of communication.
A study by the Pew Research Center indicated that as of early 2010, 89% of U.S. consumers have cell phones and 72% of cell phone owners send and receive text messages on their phones. What better way to ensure fast, accessible and concise communication between two parties?
Alternate Access has developed Courtesy Text, a Short Message Sender, which provides a point-to-point method for reaching your staff, customers or prospects. Businesses can send their important messages to one or many people effortlessly, as a text message, so it can be received instantly by the recipient. Messages are composed and managed from a database application on your computer and sent straight to targeted cell phones.
Courtesy Text may be used for news, alerts and notifications. Customers can enroll or unsubscribe by texting a designated number that you determine. And because it allows for bidirectional communication, your employees or customers can respond to an inquiry or quick poll.
The uses are endless for all kinds of industries:
Alternate Access’s Courtesy Text stands out from other solutions because:
The application consists of a small hardware appliance, cellular texting service and software for your PC or Windows Server. It is easy to use and can be implemented quickly for fast results. And it can be yours for a fraction of the cost of other marketing tools. Imagine getting your message directly into the pockets or pocketbooks of your customers immediately, with just a few keystrokes.